Optimized Inclusive Practices in Pennsylvania Module 6: Effective Instructional Practices (Concept G.1.)

Module 6 is the sixth in a series of nine professional development modules designed to provide an overview of the Big Ideas, Concepts and Competencies described in the Optimized Inclusive Practices (OIP) in Pennsylvania Framework. The modules are designed to support district and school leaders, classroom educators, related service providers and others in the implementation of optimized inclusive practices with a special focus on students with low incidence and significant cognitive disabilities in Pennsylvania. 

Module 6 provides an overview of Big Idea G: "Effective teachers work to engage all students and recognize their responsibilities for the learning of all students" with a focus on concept G.1: "Teachers use multiple evidence-based practices to ensure that all students, including students with low incidence and significant cognitive disabilities, are actively engaged in meaningful learning."

Topics discussed in Module 6 include standards-aligned unit planning, alternate eligible content, the essentialization process, effective instructional practices, instructional engagement and Assistive Technology/Augmentative and Alternative Communication, and classroom management/Positive Behavior Intervention and Support.

PLEASE NOTE: Module 6 includes a robust overview of a wide variety of topics and resources related to effective instructional practices. It may require a larger allocation of time to fully explore all topics and materials than previous OIP modules. Each section highlights a few suggested resources.  A complete, annotated resource list is provided in section 9. Participants are encouraged to review the PowerPoints and, based on the self-reflections, to explore those resources that they feel are most appropriate to their specific needs and situations.
Act 48 credit may be available through your LEA. Participants are encouraged to discuss options for Act 48 credit with their employers BEFORE completing the OIP Framework Professional Development Modules. LEAs may require submission of specific documentation (certificate of course completion and documentation of completion of course activities) in order to receive credit.

Opens on July 25th, 2016 at 2:25 PM

Optimized Inclusive Practices in Pennsylvania Module 6: Effective Instructional Practices (Concept G.1.)

About This Course

Section Descriptions:
Section 1 - OIP Framework and Objectives for Module 6 OIP Framework Focus Area G: Effective Instructional Practices
Section 2 - Pre-Assessment
Section 3 - Standards-Aligned Unit Planning: This section will introduce a standards-aligned unit planning process to provide a context for the selection, implementation and assessment of effective instructional strategies.
Section 4 - Alternate Eligible Content and Essentialzation: This section will highlight the alternate eligible content and essentialization process in supporting standards-aligned instruction for students who take the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA).
Section 5 - Effective Instructional Practices: This section will provide an overview of selected effective instructional practices, with an emphasis on those that have been shown to be effective with students having significant disabilities.
Section 6 - Instructional Engagement and AT/AAC: This section will provide an overview of selected effective strategies for supporting student engagement in the instructional process including Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Section 8: Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS): This section will highlight the importance of classroom management and introduce the concept of PBIS, while discussing selected resources available to support educators in regard to these topics.
Section 9 - Resources for Big Idea G.1: Effective Instructional Practices
Section 10 - Post-Assessment


  • Certificate of Completion of Optimized Inclusive Practices Module 6: Effective Instructional Practices

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